Title: Archaeological Investigations at 34WG220: A Prehistoric Occupation in the Arkansas River Valley of Eastern Oklahoma
Abstract:In January and February of 1997, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) conducted archaeological work at site 34WG220 within right-of-way for a project involving realignment of SH-72 just so...In January and February of 1997, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) conducted archaeological work at site 34WG220 within right-of-way for a project involving realignment of SH-72 just south of Coweta, Wagoner County, Oklahoma. The site investigation consisted of the monitoring of trench excavation as well as controlled machine stripping. A few prehistoric artifacts, none of which are diagnostic, were found during the investigation. However, two cultural features were discovered during the monitoring of the trench excavation. The features were investigated by hand excavation of a 1 x 2 test unit.Read More