Title: On endomorphisms of projective varieties with numerically trivial canonical divisors
Abstract:Let $X$ be a klt projective variety with numerically trivial canonical divisor. A surjective endomorphism $f:X\to X$ is amplified (resp.~quasi-amplified) if $f^*D-D$ is ample (resp.~big) for some Cart...Let $X$ be a klt projective variety with numerically trivial canonical divisor. A surjective endomorphism $f:X\to X$ is amplified (resp.~quasi-amplified) if $f^*D-D$ is ample (resp.~big) for some Cartier divisor $D$. We show that after iteration and equivariant birational contractions, an quasi-amplified endomorphism will descend to an amplified endomorphism. As an application, when $X$ is Hyperk\"ahler, $f$ is quasi-amplified if and only if it is of positive entropy. In both cases, $f$ has Zariski dense periodic points. When $X$ is an abelian variety, we give and compare several cohomological and geometric criteria of amplified endomorphisms and endomorphisms with countable and Zariski dense periodic points (after an uncountable field extension).Read More