Title: Anodic Behavior in the Production of Al-Li Alloy Using Li2CO3 in LiCl Melt
Abstract:Al-Li alloy is a promising structural material due to its low density and high strength. For producing the alloy, a new molten salt electrolysis process was adopted. Since the cathodic reaction, which...Al-Li alloy is a promising structural material due to its low density and high strength. For producing the alloy, a new molten salt electrolysis process was adopted. Since the cathodic reaction, which is lithium deposition into molten aluminum, had already been studied, the anodic reaction was studied by using Li2CO3, which is relatively inexpensive and non-hygroscopic, as a source of lithium and a graphite anode. Carbonate is confined to the anode compartment made of porous Al2O3 to avoid the reaction of CO32− with the alloy. Using Li2CO3 does not affect the cathodic behavior and the anodic potential decreases almost IV. The principal anodic exhaust is preferably CO2. It was found that CO32− also reacted with carbon non-electrochemically if excess Cl2 was near the anode. In this work, it was confirmed that Li2CO3 has many advantages in the electrolytic production of Al-Li alloy.Read More