Title: Challenges and Opportunities of Community Service-Learning Perspectives from Community Partners Phaedra Hitchings, Chantelle Johnson, and Stan Tu’Inukuafe
Abstract:Sarah Buhler and Nancy Van Styvendale, two of the co-editors of this special issue, talk to Phaedra Hitchings, Chantelle Johnson, and Stan Tu’Inukuafe, who are three community-based educators and part...Sarah Buhler and Nancy Van Styvendale, two of the co-editors of this special issue, talk to Phaedra Hitchings, Chantelle Johnson, and Stan Tu’Inukuafe, who are three community-based educators and partners of university CSL projects in Saskatoon. The participants introduce and situate their connections to community service-learning and discuss the challenges and opportunities of community service-learning and partnering with universities from their perspectives.Read More