Title: PT737. Association between overweight and the risks of lifetime psychiatric disorders and suicidality: a general population-based study in Korea
Abstract:situations.This is why we focus on multisensory information such as audio-visual integration.Lately, many researches in social studies and medical sciences ultimately want to understand human's mechan...situations.This is why we focus on multisensory information such as audio-visual integration.Lately, many researches in social studies and medical sciences ultimately want to understand human's mechanism of social behavior.This study reviews the key research literature regarding multisensory integration in social context.In particular, we want to concentrate on a situation when visual stimuli are presented simultaneously with auditory stimuli.Method: In this review we provided insight into multisensory integration and social behavior.We organized these multisensory phenomena in human adaptation to functional approaches.In addition, comparison between normal subjects to patients who have deficit in multisensory perception showed supporting evidences for this hypothesis.Results: Multisensory integrations not only help simple perception but also individuals' cognitive level.These investigated combinations of auditory and visual stimuli have powerful relationship with each other.Since social cues are the key signals to individual's interaction, these aspects of multisensory integration can affect from simple stimuli perception to social cognition level.Moreover, patients who have deficit on perceptual integration showed severe dysfunction in social cognition.Conclusions: Therefore, it is possible to explain that multisensory integration offers basis for social cognition.In other words, social interactions are based on multisensory integration with multiple processing.Read More