Title: A Literature Review Exploring the use of Programming in Mathematics Education
Abstract:Programming is now included in mathematics curricula in several countries; thus, the purpose of this literature review is to determine the research-based justifications for these educational decisions...Programming is now included in mathematics curricula in several countries; thus, the purpose of this literature review is to determine the research-based justifications for these educational decisions.From a selection of relevant articles, 15 articles were identified and analyzed, each of which had varying study types, themes, and designs.Three themes from the studies were identified: the motivation to learn mathematics, student performance in mathematics, and the collaboration between students and the changed role of the teacher.It was found that in certain circumstances, including programming in mathematics education could improve student motivation to learn mathematics and improve student performance in mathematics.To gain a better understanding of the potential of programming in mathematics education, the entire collective learning process should be considered by discussing the roles of the teacher and the collaboration between students as part of these roles.Read More