Title: Histopathological Changes in the Muscle of the Desert Locust, Schistocerca gregaria (orthoptera: acrididae)Treated with Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), Lufenuron
Abstract:The desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) is a wide spread pest that cause untold and terrible damages to our crop plants in the field.S. gregaria is a species of locust discovered by Forskal in 1775 ...The desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) is a wide spread pest that cause untold and terrible damages to our crop plants in the field.S. gregaria is a species of locust discovered by Forskal in 1775 and considered to be S. Americana gregaria (Dirsh, 1974).S. gregaria was generally recognized as polyphytophagos acridid that causes damage to pastures and crops during the desert locust upsurge in 2004 (Tarai and Doumandji, 2009).The preference of food by grasshoppers is determined by many factors such as toughness of the leaf, hairs and water content frequently are believed to influence feeding behavior, chemical differences are also vital, sugars phospholipids, organic nitrogen compound, tannins, and others influence host preference; generally feeding is limited to temperature between 15 o C and 30 o C and little time is spent in feeding approximately 15% (Uvarov, 1977).Desert locust feed on all sorts of plants; consuming approximately equivalent of their body mass each day.Nearly all crops and non-crops plants are at risk including millet, rice, sorghum, maize, sugar cane, badly, cotton, fruit trees, vegetable, grasses, alacia pines and banana (OECD, 2004).Read More