Title: Stylistic Analysis of English Advertising Language
Abstract:With the rapid development of the economy and our society, advertisements are more and more popular with people's lives.In fact, advertisements played a major role in branding products and attracting ...With the rapid development of the economy and our society, advertisements are more and more popular with people's lives.In fact, advertisements played a major role in branding products and attracting customers, as well as leading people know the features of products.The paper introduces characteristics of advertising language and analyzes its stylistic features from the three perspectives of vocabulary, syntax and rhetoric.This paper adopts qualitative analysis of examples taken from websites and magazines.This paper concludes that English advertising language is different from formal English in word use, and through using simple, interrogative and imperative sentences, it has a distinct language style that is concise, attracting and can help business people sell their products.In addition, English advertising language owns a dramatic way of expression due to the wide use of various kinds of rhetoric, which makes advertisements catchy and readable.Read More