Title: Design method for compact, achromatic, high-performance, solid catadioptric system (SoCatS), from visible to IR
Abstract:Maresse described a classical solid catadioptric system (SoCatS) for a lens comprising a solid body and a single-focal Maksutov type construction, characterized by two refractive and two reflective su...Maresse described a classical solid catadioptric system (SoCatS) for a lens comprising a solid body and a single-focal Maksutov type construction, characterized by two refractive and two reflective surfaces. Due to ray propagation through the solid block twice, the design is feasible at a single wavelength, otherwise suffering on chromatic aberration induced by dispersion. We design a SoCatS for a telescope and describe a class of solutions to reduce and control chromatic and some spherical aberration in the solid catadioptric system.Read More