Title: Exploring Parents' Experience in Guiding Their Children while Using Gadget at Home
Abstract:Nowadays, along with the rapid growth of the times, gadget becomes an inseparable tool from human life.The relationship between gadget and internet is like a unity which cannot be separated.It is easy...Nowadays, along with the rapid growth of the times, gadget becomes an inseparable tool from human life.The relationship between gadget and internet is like a unity which cannot be separated.It is easy to use because it can be accessed freely by anyone, including young children.However, the internet use by children requires parental control and guidance.This research is an online survey involving 55 respondents which aims at exploring parents" experience in mediating and controlling the use of gadget by their children aged of 0 -7 years old at home.The results revealed that 72,9% of parents used co-use mediation type, technical restriction employed by parents up to 12,1%, and 2,8 % of parents applied monitoring.In addition, some parents also need parenting support because they have difficulty in using their child's gadget.This research has a significance recommendation, especially for parents, they should enhance the quality of parenting patterns, and for government, they should make innovation in providing accurate and appropriate information about the use of gadgets and online security for early childhood through online media.Read More