Title: Characterisation of focused-beam trap: FORT loading optimisation
Abstract:We investigate the properties of the focused-beam magneto-optical trap (FBT) of Rb85 atoms, which provides more optical accessibility in contrast to typical magneto-optical trap (MOT). We have charact...We investigate the properties of the focused-beam magneto-optical trap (FBT) of Rb85 atoms, which provides more optical accessibility in contrast to typical magneto-optical trap (MOT). We have characterised the relations between temperature, number and density of trapped atoms versus trap parameters. In this paper, we discuss some distinctive features of the FBT comparing to those of standard MOTs, and determine a suitable condition in which loading atoms into a far-off-resonance optical dipole trap (FORT) is possible. Although the trap can capture fewer atoms comparing to the standard MOTs, due to its asymmetric geometry, it may offer an alternative trap configuration for preparing single atom.Read More