Title: Surficial geology and geomorphology of the Brúarjökull surging glacier landsystem
Abstract:Abstract Please click here to download the map associated with this article. A 1:30,000 scale map poster of the snout and proglacial landscape of the surging Icelandic glacier Brúarjökull, provides a ...Abstract Please click here to download the map associated with this article. A 1:30,000 scale map poster of the snout and proglacial landscape of the surging Icelandic glacier Brúarjökull, provides a spatial and temporal assessment of the geomorphic impacts of surging in glaciated terrains. Based upon aerial photography from 1998, 1999 and 2000, the map identifies the major landforms that are regarded as diagnostic of glacier surging when viewed in a landsystem framework; specifically, thrust block and push moraines, overridden thrust block moraines, zig-zag eskers, crevasse squeeze ridges, long utings, hummocky moraine and ice-cored, pitted outwash. This landscape imprint, when identi_ed in ancient glaciated terrains, can therefore be used as indicative of surge activity in palaeoglaciological reconstructions.Read More