Title: Problem Solving and IMC (International Mathematics Competition) Activities in Göttingen
Abstract:Chenchang Zhu has been tenured at the University of Gottingen since 2013 and, before moving to Gottingen in 2008, she was a maitre de conferences (assistant professor) at the Fourier Institute, Grenob...Chenchang Zhu has been tenured at the University of Gottingen since 2013 and, before moving to Gottingen in 2008, she was a maitre de conferences (assistant professor) at the Fourier Institute, Grenoble (from 2006), a post-doc at ETH Zurich (2004-2006) with Giovanni Felder, a PhD student at U.C. Berkeley with advisor Alan Weinstein (until 2004) and an undergraduate at Beijing University. Since 2011, she has been in charge of the selection of the IMC team and training in Gottingen.Read More