Title: Revisiting Laws of Black Hole Mechanics and Violation of Null Energy Condition
Abstract:Most of the important and powerful theorems in General Relativity such as singularity theorems and the theorems applied for null horizons depend strongly on the energy conditions. However, the energy ...Most of the important and powerful theorems in General Relativity such as singularity theorems and the theorems applied for null horizons depend strongly on the energy conditions. However, the energy conditions on which these theorems are based on, are beginning to look at less secure if one takes into accounts quantum effects which can violate these energy conditions. Even there are classical systems that can violate these energy conditions which would be problematic in validation of those theorems. In this article, we revisit to a class of such important theorems, the laws of black hole mechanics which are meant to be developed on null like killing horizons using null energy condition. Then we show some classical and quantum mechanical systems which violate null energy condition based on which the above theorem stands.Read More