Title: Microstructure Investigation of Polyaniline (PANI) Conductive Polymer Synthesized through Chemical Polymerization
Abstract:The synthesis of Polyaniline (PANI) conductive polymer was successful through chemical polymerization method. Based on characterization results, it has an excellent surface structure which has a poten...The synthesis of Polyaniline (PANI) conductive polymer was successful through chemical polymerization method. Based on characterization results, it has an excellent surface structure which has a potential to use for electrochemical devices such as supercapacitor because of its surface structure. EDX and mapping results were confirmed that all desired constituent was present in this material. The FTIR and Raman spectroscopy results show that this material has strong chemical bonding between the entire constituent in the material. This material is highly recommended for further investigation for some applications especially electrochemical energy storage devices.Read More