Title: New Odd Generalized Exponential - Exponential Distribution: Its Properties and Application
Abstract:In academia, inducing a shape parameter to an exponential probability model has been an old practice and quite number of approaches for doing so were discussed in the literature.In this article, we in...In academia, inducing a shape parameter to an exponential probability model has been an old practice and quite number of approaches for doing so were discussed in the literature.In this article, we introduce two shape parameters to the exponential probability model using an idea proposed in a recent study and this resulted in a new three-parameter probability distribution entitled New Odd Generalized Exponential-Exponential distribution.The proposed probability model can serve as a better alternative to a sister probability distribution entitled Odd Generalized Exponential-Exponential distribution developed in an earlier research using a certain probability generator.Different properties of the proposed probability model comprising moment, moment generating function, quantile function, survival function and hazard function were obtained.For illustrative purposes, two datasets were analyzed to compare the performance of our proposed probability distribution with the existing odd generalized exponential-exponential distribution; and it was observed that, the proposed model fits the two datasets better.Read More