Title: The Life and Career of William F. Cramer: Pedagogue, Scholar, and Performer
Abstract:The purpose of this investigation was to provide a thorough documentation of the life and career of William F. Cramer. William Cramer was professor of trombone at the Florida State University for more...The purpose of this investigation was to provide a thorough documentation of the life and career of William F. Cramer. William Cramer was professor of trombone at the Florida State University for more than thirty-five years. He was a master teacher, musician, and scholar. His students remember him fondly as a grandfatherly figure whose teaching had positive impacts on their lives and careers as music educators. Cramer’s contributions to the field of music education, music performance, and scholarship are highlighted throughout this narrative. Former students, colleagues, friends, and family members served as primary sources in the gathering of information on the life and career of William F. Cramer.Read More