Title: Arousal and Satisfaction during Mountain Rambling: Comparing Non-Athletes', Mountain Athletes' and Non-Mountain Athletes' Views*
Abstract:Immigrants experience changes in their interpersonal and communicative relationships, so as to deal with social distance. This study analyzes such changes among two different groups and cultural conte...Immigrants experience changes in their interpersonal and communicative relationships, so as to deal with social distance. This study analyzes such changes among two different groups and cultural contexts: Brazilian immigrants in the Basque Country, and Basque immigrants in Brazil. Differences are expected in the dimensions of socio-cultural adjustment due to the time spent in the stay, the group, and also to cultural practices of the origin and host country. The study is transversal and retrospective. Results show that during the first year, difficulties are pronounced with a predominance of Interpersonal Relationships-related ones and subsequently, a higher importance of the dimension Social Distance Management, specifically among the Basque.Read More