Title: Magnetite Molybdenum Disulphide Nanofluid of Grade Two: A Generalized Model with Caputo-Fabrizio Derivative
Abstract:Heat and mass transfer analysis in magnetite molybdenum disulphide nanofluid of grade two is studied. MoS2 powder with each particle of nanosize is dissolved in engine oil chosen as base fluid. A gene...Heat and mass transfer analysis in magnetite molybdenum disulphide nanofluid of grade two is studied. MoS2 powder with each particle of nanosize is dissolved in engine oil chosen as base fluid. A generalized form of grade-two model is considered with fractional order derivatives of Caputo and Fabrizio. The fluid over vertically oscillating plate is subjected to isothermal temperate and species concentration. The problem is modeled in terms of partial differential equations with sufficient initial conditions and boundary conditions. Fractional form of Laplace transform is used and exact solutions in closed form are determined for velocity field, temperature and concentration distributions. These solutions are then plotted for embedded parameters and discussed. Results for the physical quantities of interest (skin friction coefficient, Nusselt number and Sherwood number) are computed in tables. Results obtained in this work are compared with some published results from the open literature.Read More