Title: Dynamic Analysis of Rigid Pavement Resting on two Parametric Foundation
Abstract:In our present work we have considered the effect of time varying sinusoidal load generated through the quarter truck model moving with the constant velocity on the rigid pavement. The effect in the t...In our present work we have considered the effect of time varying sinusoidal load generated through the quarter truck model moving with the constant velocity on the rigid pavement. The effect in the terms of deflection generated on the pavement is considered on the two and one parameter model for both dynamic and the static case and the results are compared. The finite element procedure is applied for the dynamic analysis of the rigid pavement in which the pavement is represented as finite beam elements of different lengths. The underlying soil medium is represented by the Pasternak model in which soft subgrade soil is modeled by the spring and Dashpot elements and the base course is modeled by the shear layer. The trapezoidal method is used for the solution of the dynamic equation with the help of which nodal displacements were generated. Furthermore, a time dependent response is also generated to compare the displacement with and without considering damping in the structure. Software like Mat Lab, Etabs and Sap2000 were used for the analysis purpose. The conclusion of our work is that, the maximum deflection of the pavement decreases with the increase in the subgrade modulus and thickness of the beam for same length and shear modulus value. Similarly, the maximum deflection also decreases for the same subgrade modulus, increasing shear modulus and keeping the length constant. The pavement response generated in terms of displacement for damped and un-damped case clearly showed that the displacement was more in later case. The maximum deflection generated in the dynamic case is more than the static case thus we can say that the dynamic analysis is important for the design of the pavement.Read More