Title: The character algebra for module categories over Hopf algebras
Abstract:Given a finite dimensional Hopf algebra H and an exact indecomposable module category M over Rep(H), we explicitly compute the adjoint algebra A_M as an object in the category of Yetter-Drinfeld modul...Given a finite dimensional Hopf algebra H and an exact indecomposable module category M over Rep(H), we explicitly compute the adjoint algebra A_M as an object in the category of Yetter-Drinfeld modules over H, and the space of class functions CF(M) associated to M, as introduced by K. Shimizu [ Further results on the structure of (Co)ends in fintite tensor categories, preprint arXiv:1801.02493]. We use our construction to describe these algebras when H is a group algebra and a dual group algebra. This result allows us to compute the adjoint algebra for certain group-theoretical fusion categories.Read More