Title: Споживчі практики як тип повсякденних практик у сучасному українському суспільстві
Abstract:The author defined consumer practices as the type of everyday practices. According to the phenomenological approach and practical paradigm such practices characterize by three types of changes: articu...The author defined consumer practices as the type of everyday practices. According to the phenomenological approach and practical paradigm such practices characterize by three types of changes: articulation, and reconfiguration, and borrowing. Articulation is a process of increased interest in consumer practices in society. Reconfiguration as a type of change is to change the status of marginality of consumer practices to the status of a norm for a given society. Borrowing is perception of the norms and values of other cultures. So, in Ukraine society we have different types of consumer practices. They have a number of specific features as refusal to purchase products and supplies for future use; the emergence of new standards for comparison; appearance of such criteria in the choice of goods, such as reliability, prestige; the emergence of new items of expenditure, in particular, paid medicine, education, new means of communication and some others. All these features of consumer practices are formed in conditions of a state in which separate societies and the world as a whole passed - crisis, emergency, exclusion. Makeev S., Oksamitnaya S. preferred the «singularity» as a quirky combination of events, the crisis in the economy, the state of emergency in culture and the state of exclusiveness in political life. The results of some sociological studies indicate a worsening of the economic situation of Ukrainian citizens, which is reflected in their consumer preferences. Thus, low-income citizens tend to consume consumer savings practices and high-income citizens are guided by consumer practices that are typical of other cultures, such as paid education, medicine, etc. For them, such consumer practices can become routine.Read More