Title: Arquitetura e Indústria: a Península de Itapagipe como sítio industrial da Salvador Moderna (1892 - 1947)
Abstract:The first great industrialization stage in the lands of Bahia happened between the ends of XIX century and midlle XX century, in the ocassion of sugar crises and the convergency of investiments and in...The first great industrialization stage in the lands of Bahia happened between the ends of XIX century and midlle XX century, in the ocassion of sugar crises and the convergency of investiments and interests to the urban center which, at that time, was already Salvador.Besides the historical reconstruction of the area, the central focus of this research are the spatia l transformations suffered by the Península de ltapagipe, old spa, in front of the industrialization happened in Salvador whith great concentration, of industries and such habitations, in this plane suburb whith easy access.Read More