Title: Osmotic Dehydration Process for Preservation of Fig Fruit and its Quality Evaluation
Abstract:In this study, different experiments were conducted to characterize the osmotic dehydration of Fig fruit with respect to drying behavior.The quality of dehydrated Fig fruit slices was evaluated with t...In this study, different experiments were conducted to characterize the osmotic dehydration of Fig fruit with respect to drying behavior.The quality of dehydrated Fig fruit slices was evaluated with the syrup concentrations (30, 40 and 50 o Bx) and time of immersion (1 hr interval up to 6 hrs).The fruit to solution ratio was taken as 1:5 (w/v).The maximum and minimum amount of weight reduction of 182-63 g and 196-68 g was found at higher concentrations 50 o Bx and 30 o Bx, respectively.The maximum amount of solid gain and water loss of 11.72% and 20.72% was found at 50 °Bx and minimum amount of solid gain and water loss of 5.64% and 7.64% was found at 30 o Bx, respectively.Overall results indicated that the water loss and solid gain were increased with the increase in immersion time and with different sugar solution concentrations.The moisture content (%) and drying rate were decreased with increase in drying time.Read More