Title: Gravity, Mass and the Cosmological Constant: All Can Have the Same Origin
Abstract:The general belief about gravity is that any suitable theory should include, or will be, a merger of classical quantum theory and relativity. In a recent publication (Veringa, H. J., 2018) a new schem...The general belief about gravity is that any suitable theory should include, or will be, a merger of classical quantum theory and relativity. In a recent publication (Veringa, H. J., 2018) a new scheme of analysis for the mutual interaction between particles that have some exchange with respect to time and space has already been presented. The remarkable thing is that, apparently for more than one reason, particles will be interacting in groups of two and only two and can give rise to gravitational interaction. This pair formation was described quantum-mechanically.This analysis starts from the from the classical Schrödinger equation to describe the behaviour of a pair of particles whose solution is used as the invariant term of the relativistic Einstein Energy equation, but this latter formulated in a quantum-mechanical setting known as the “Klein-Gordon” (KG) equation. By solving this equation the properties of the gravitational interaction, as they occur in Newton’s gravity law, are found. Next to this it is also shown that the attribution of mass is a consequence of all other masses constituting our universe and whose calculated value is within the right order of magnitude of what is experimentally observed.More or less as a surprise it became clear that the solution of the KG-equation, which already has lead to the law of gravity and particle masses, can be easily interpreted in such a way that the Cosmological Constant, as it has initially been introduced by Einstein in his famous Field Equation, emerges. This Constant appears to have basically the same properties as Einstein’s Cosmological Constant. It became clear that the existence of such a constant is necessary to have a non-zero value of the gravitational interaction.Read More