Title: Distribution of mountain hawkweeds (Hieracium s. str.) in the Hrubý Jeseník Mountains
Abstract:Abstract Field revision of current distribution of mountain hawkweeds (Hieracium s. str.) in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts was undertaken. Hieracium atratum, H. chlorocephalum, H. engleri, H. grabowskianum an...Abstract Field revision of current distribution of mountain hawkweeds (Hieracium s. str.) in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts was undertaken. Hieracium atratum, H. chlorocephalum, H. engleri, H. grabowskianum and H. plumbeum, whose last occurrence was documented many decades or even a century ago, were rediscovered. H. plumbeum was even found in new localities. The occurrence of H. alpinum, H. bifidum, H. chrysostyloides, H. inuloides, H. nigritum, H. prenanthoides, H. silesiacum, H. stygium and H. villosum was ascertained at many of their historical localities and a few new localities were found too. A neophyte species H. mixtum was discovered. Hieracium moravicum was not found. Accurate locality description and population size are provided for each finding. Herbarium revision and excerption of crucial literature were performed to provide historical distribution. Distributional changes as well as threatening and beneficial factors influencing Hieracium species in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts are discussed.Read More