Title: Discover the pythagorean theorem using interactive multimedia learning
Abstract:In learning process students are required to play an active role in learning. They do not just accept the concept directly from teachers, but also build their own knowledge so that the learning proces...In learning process students are required to play an active role in learning. They do not just accept the concept directly from teachers, but also build their own knowledge so that the learning process becomes more meaningful. Based on the observation, when learning Pythagorean theorem, students got difficulty on determining hypotenuse. One of the solution to solve this problem is using an interactive multimedia learning. This article aims to discuss the interactive multimedia as learning media for students. This was a Research and Development (R&D) by using ADDIE model of development. The results obtained was multimedia which was developed proper for students as learning media. Besides, on Phytagorian theorem learning activity we also compare Discovery Learning (DL) model with interactive multimedia and DL without interactive multimedia, and obtained that DL with interactive gave positive effect better than DL without interactive multimedia. It was also obtainde that interactive multimedia can attract and increase the interest ot the students on learning math. Therefore, the use of interactive multimedia on DL procees can improve student learning achievement.Read More