Title: Resultative constructions in Uyghur as verbal adjunction
Abstract:This paper analyzes resultative constructions in Uyghur as an adjunction relationship between two verbal projections. Uyghur resultatives differ from previously analyzed resultatives, including those ...This paper analyzes resultative constructions in Uyghur as an adjunction relationship between two verbal projections. Uyghur resultatives differ from previously analyzed resultatives, including those in typologically related Altaic languages (see Shibagaki 2011), in that both predicates must match share a subject. One verb encodes a resultative meaning while the other elaborates the manner of achieving the result state, but the ordering is flexible. The only ordering requirement is that the final verb and the object form a telic verb constellation. The unique structure of this construction points to the conclusion that the notion of ‘resultative construction’ does not correspond to any specific syntactic structure crosslinguistically.Read More