Title: Revaluando el Impulso Tàpies. Interacción Contemplativa en la Sala de Reflexión.
Abstract:In the aftermath of the death of the Catalan artist Antoni Tàpies (06/02/2012)I followed a trail of movements in an intuitive way activated by theimpression that caused in me and in my environment thi...In the aftermath of the death of the Catalan artist Antoni Tàpies (06/02/2012)I followed a trail of movements in an intuitive way activated by theimpression that caused in me and in my environment this death. As a creative,cognitive and committed person to my interiority I followed this set ofmovements from a holistic approach and termed it as impulse Tàpies as it wassomewhat inspired by his life, work and message. This impulse led me toexplore the Reflection Room, a work of integral character made when Tàpiesreached his maturity and connecting through a contemplative interactioncarried out in this room with part of the transcendental message this creatorleft us. In the last stage of his life he emphasized between the nexus of art andspirituality, as well as the urgency of finding equivalents of traditionalcontemplative spiritual experiences, adapted to the modern mind.Read More