Title: Report on the NISTDHSFDA workshop: standards for pathogen detection for biosurveillance and clinical applications August 14-15, 2017
Abstract:Biosurveillance and ClinicalApplications was held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (Gaithersburg, MD) on August 14-15, 2017.The workshop brought together subject matter experts fr...Biosurveillance and ClinicalApplications was held at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (Gaithersburg, MD) on August 14-15, 2017.The workshop brought together subject matter experts from the clinical and biosurveillance communities to discuss standards to support the use of next generation sequencing for pathogen detection.The workshop consisted of invited and contributed oral presentations, poster sessions, a panel discussion, and break-out sessions.In general, the participants highlighted the need for continued development and utilization of cell-and DNA-based reference materials, standard operating procedures and protocols, reference data, defined metrics, and interlaboratory studies to assess measurement biases and overcome measurement and bioinformatic challenges and regulatory hurdles.This workshop was the third NIST-hosted workshop on sequencing for pathogen detection/identification since 2014.Pathogen detection is relevant to a number of programmatic priorities within the NIST Material Measurement Laboratory including microbial metrology, precision medicine, biomanufacturing, biodefense/forensics, food safety, antibiotic resistance, and water quality.Thus, it is our intention at NIST to continue to host this workshop theme approximately every two years.Read More