Title: El tribunal electoral del poder judicial de la federación como garante de los derechos político-electorales de los pueblos y comunidades indígenas en México
Abstract:The constitutional recognition of indigenous rights, its jurisdictional protection by the electoral courts, both federal and local, has been viable. This represents the beginning of a new stage in the...The constitutional recognition of indigenous rights, its jurisdictional protection by the electoral courts, both federal and local, has been viable. This represents the beginning of a new stage in the effective protection of indigenous rights that is marked, on the one hand, by the jurisdictional activism of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (hereinafter TEPJF) to protect the political rights of these groups and, on the other, in the inactivity of the federal legislator and the federal entities to create laws in favor of the adequate protection of their rights. In this essay, we intend to verify how these rights have been protected, through the resolutions issued in the means of contestation in electoral matters, at the federal level.Read More