Title: M. Leslie Madden, Laura Carscaddon, Denita Hampton, and Brenna Helmstutler. Now You’re a Manager: Quick and Practical Strategies for New Mid-Level Managers in Academic Libraries. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries. 2017. 94p.
Abstract:What do you get when four mid-level managers from an academic library begin to evaluate what they have learned from being in this important role? Most likely you would get a book much like the one aut...What do you get when four mid-level managers from an academic library begin to evaluate what they have learned from being in this important role? Most likely you would get a book much like the one authored by these four managers from the Georgia State University Library. Written to fill a gap in both the literature and available professional development courses on management in academic libraries, this book provides advice to those mid-level managers who may be filling a leadership role for the first time. This includes both leaders of teams as well as departments. The authors draw upon their own experiences, discussions held between them, and the literature they explored in an effort to learn to be a better, more effective manager. The reader of this book should keep in mind that it acts as an introduction to a range of concepts associated with being a manager. It is meant more as a tool for those who may have less experience as well as those who may want to rethink their current practice.Read More