Title: Strength Analysis of E-Glass and Jute Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites
Abstract:Nowadays, composites have been a wide area of research due to their better characteristics like strength to stiffness and weight to strength abilities. These properties lead composites to use in vario...Nowadays, composites have been a wide area of research due to their better characteristics like strength to stiffness and weight to strength abilities. These properties lead composites to use in various application fields such as automotive, aviation, sporting and marine industries. Always composites are continuous lookout for analyzing without compromising on their physical and mechanical behavior. In this work, fibre reinforced composites were manufactured using E-glass and jute fiber with polyester as reinforcement. The composite laminatesare prepared with 60:40 fibre-resin volume fraction percentages.The mechanical strength parameters such as flexural strength, tensile strength, interlaminar shear strength [ILSS] and impact strength of the composite laminate are studied as per the ASTM standards.Read More