Title: Persistence as Returning: An Integrative Review of Theory and Research on Continued Goal Pursuit
Abstract:Continued goal pursuit despite goal-opponent forces (persistence) has long been recognized as essential to achieving long-term goals. Though many causes and correlates of persistence and non-persisten...Continued goal pursuit despite goal-opponent forces (persistence) has long been recognized as essential to achieving long-term goals. Though many causes and correlates of persistence and non-persistence have been identified, no theory offers a comprehensive account of how people persist and when errors in persistence (under-persistence and over-persistence) are likely to occur. This review offers an operational definition of persistence that serves as a framework for integrating existing theories and empirical findings. The act of persistence is defined as returning to goal pursuit following a recess. Consequently, variations in persistence arise from: 1) goal pursuit recesses and 2) re-engagement in goal pursuit. Implications for errors in persistence are explored, and areas needing additional study are identified.Read More