Title: A Hybrid Approach to Thematic Analysis in Qualitative Research: Using a Practical Example
Abstract:Building on previous literature in the field of qualitative analysis, this case presents a flexible framework for using a form of thematic analysis employing a hybrid approach of deductive and inducti...Building on previous literature in the field of qualitative analysis, this case presents a flexible framework for using a form of thematic analysis employing a hybrid approach of deductive and inductive reasoning.The analysis is based on 25 semi-structured interviews from a real-life, qualitative, study about people's attitudes toward retirement and their expectations of growing older.This case also provides details of actual codings, examples of interview data, which are organized in a Microsoft Word document, and a table (or spreadsheet) that is an integral constituent of the analysis.The process is organized in three phases, containing seven stages in total, many of which can be concurrent and followed in any order.The analysis is viewed as being ongoing, organic, and iterative, requiring the researcher to be reflective and reflexive. Learning OutcomesBy the end of this case, students should be able to• Understand more about using thematic analysis in qualitative research • Apply a specific hybrid approach to using thematic analysis • Appreciate the number of decisions that the researcher needs to make when conducting qualitative analysis Case StudyRead More