Title: Evaluation of Training Program on Oral Health by Japanese Staffs and Nepali Trainees
Abstract:Since 1994, we have trained Nepali (including school teachers and social workers) to develop their own self-reliance in oral health. 40 members have received training in this program. In December, 200...Since 1994, we have trained Nepali (including school teachers and social workers) to develop their own self-reliance in oral health. 40 members have received training in this program. In December, 2000, in order to evaluate how this program is working and how much progress is being made, the program was evaluated by the Japanese staff (trainers) and Nepali trainees. Results are as follows ; 1. The Japanese evaluaters found that this program had activated oral health education in schools. 2. Nepali evaluaters found that the program was effective in the schools, but that education to the local people was not so easy and that they did not want to undertake it. 3. Primary school teachers who received this training answered that they wanted health education for local people as well as for the school students. 4. These results indicated that their needs to further education because of the gap in perceptions of the Nepali oral health worker who received this training. After that, there is a need to arrange of the program to coordinate Nepali oral health worker's consciousness. These results suggest that this program was effective. But to progress further in the Nepali oral health worker's willingness, we have to introduce a new program relating to how to coordinate their consciousness, how to include local people in this program and how to increase Nepali self-reliance.Read More
Title: $Evaluation of Training Program on Oral Health by Japanese Staffs and Nepali Trainees
Abstract: Since 1994, we have trained Nepali (including school teachers and social workers) to develop their own self-reliance in oral health. 40 members have received training in this program. In December, 2000, in order to evaluate how this program is working and how much progress is being made, the program was evaluated by the Japanese staff (trainers) and Nepali trainees. Results are as follows ; 1. The Japanese evaluaters found that this program had activated oral health education in schools. 2. Nepali evaluaters found that the program was effective in the schools, but that education to the local people was not so easy and that they did not want to undertake it. 3. Primary school teachers who received this training answered that they wanted health education for local people as well as for the school students. 4. These results indicated that their needs to further education because of the gap in perceptions of the Nepali oral health worker who received this training. After that, there is a need to arrange of the program to coordinate Nepali oral health worker's consciousness. These results suggest that this program was effective. But to progress further in the Nepali oral health worker's willingness, we have to introduce a new program relating to how to coordinate their consciousness, how to include local people in this program and how to increase Nepali self-reliance.