Title: Specific Appurtenance, Numbers, and Dynamics of Interaction of Acanthamoeba from Soils of Gorno-Altai High-Mountain Plague Focus with Yersinia pestis Strains
Abstract:Objective of the study is to analyze the appurtenance, numbers, and dynamics of interaction of acanthamoeba from soils of GornoAltai plague focus with Yersinia pestis 367 strain, isolated in 2016 in e...Objective of the study is to analyze the appurtenance, numbers, and dynamics of interaction of acanthamoeba from soils of GornoAltai plague focus with Yersinia pestis 367 strain, isolated in 2016 in enzootic territory of this focus. Materials and methods. Utilized were soil amoeba from Gorno-Altai high-mountain focus and the strain Y. pestis 367 of the main subspecies of antique biovar, isolated there in 2016. Determination of systematic relation of the isolated amoeba was carried out using PCR with genus specific primers and sequencing of the obtained PCR fragments followed by identification of nucleotide sequences against GenBank database. Localization of Y. pestis cells in acanthamoeba was performed using fluorescent antibody technique by means of Axio Imager Z2 (Carl Zeiss, Germany). Results and conclusions. For the first time ever established has been the presence of Acanthamoeba castellanii in soils of burrows of Marmota altaica in the numbers of up to 300000 cells/gr in Gorno-Altai high-mountain focus. Investigated has been the dynamics of interaction of these microorganisms. Preservation of the agent in vacuoles of endoplasmatic reticulum within 14 days has been revealed. It is an indicative of the possibility of Y. pestis persistence in amoeba of Acanthamoeba subspecies in soil biocoenosis of Gorno-Altai high-mountain plague focus.Read More