Title: Citrus Production and the Occurrence of Virus Diseases in the Mainland of China
Abstract:Although citrus is grown in 17 provinces in China, 97% of the production is concentrated in eight provinces.Production rose from 400,000 metric tons (MT) before 1978 to 5 to 6 million MT in the early ...Although citrus is grown in 17 provinces in China, 97% of the production is concentrated in eight provinces.Production rose from 400,000 metric tons (MT) before 1978 to 5 to 6 million MT in the early 1990s as a result of an increase in area planted.Mandarins and sweet oranges constitute most of the plantings, but, in recent years, pummelo production has increased markedly.Most of the fruit is consumed locally as fresh fruit.The main graft-transmissible diseases recorded in China are huanglongbing, exocortis, tatter leaf, tristeza, satsuma dwarf and vein enation.Virus-free propagation projects are now operating in some major citrus producing provinces.Citrus is one of the most important fruit crops in the mainland of China.Its production in recent years is second only to apple among all of the fruits.This report updates earlier reviews (4,8,11).Read More