Title: Stability Analysis for Grain Yield and Its Attributing Traits of Rice across Locations
Abstract:Forty rice hybrids along with their parents were evaluated for their stability parameters with respect to yield and its attributing characters like Days to 50 per cent flowering, Productive tillers pe...Forty rice hybrids along with their parents were evaluated for their stability parameters with respect to yield and its attributing characters like Days to 50 per cent flowering, Productive tillers per plant, Plant height (cm), Panicle length (cm), Grains per panicle, Grain yield per plant (g), Straw yield per plant (g) and test weight (g) in a multi-locational trial at three different sites of Gujarat viz., Main Rice Research centre, Navsari, Regional Rice Research Station, Vyara and Hill Millet Research Station, Waghai during Kharif 2015. Pooled analysis of variance reflects existence of genotype x environment interaction. Stability analysis revealed significant differences among all the characters for genotype and environment except for test weight (g) in environment. The results on environmental index revealed that Navsari was the most congenial location for grain yield per plant and majority of yield related traits in addition to productive tillers per plant, panicle length, grains per panicle and test weight. The best three high yielding and stable hybrids over environments for grain yield per plant were GAR-13 x IET-24767, NAUR-1 x IET-23833 and GAR-13 x IET-23833. The hybrid GAR-13 x IET-24767 was found to be stable for plant height (cm), panicle length (cm), grains per panicle and test weight (g). Among the parents, male IET-24774 reflected better suitability for favourable environments for grain yield per plant.Read More