Title: Appendicular myology and relationships of the New World nine-primaried oscines (Aves: Passeriformes)
Abstract:The gross morphology of the forelimb and hindlimb muscles was studied in approximately 100 species of songbirds, and analyzed cladistically to construct a phylogeny of the New World nine-primaried osc...The gross morphology of the forelimb and hindlimb muscles was studied in approximately 100 species of songbirds, and analyzed cladistically to construct a phylogeny of the New World nine-primaried oscines.Methods and problems of phylogenetic analysis are discussed, and the rationale for the proposed phylogeny is presented.It is suggested that the Parulidae are the most primitive family of the group, the Thraupidae somewhat more advanced, and the Fringillidae and their descendents the most highly derived.The Icteridae may be the sister group of the Emberizinae, with Spizu as a link.The Drepanididae arose from the Carduelinae.The position of various problematic genera is discussed.Read More