Title: Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: Migrant Farmworkers in the United States
Abstract:Foreword, by Philippe Bourgois Acknowledgments 1. Introduction: Worth Risking Your Life? 2. We Are Field Workers: Embodied Anthropology of Migration 3. Segregation on the Farm: Ethnic Hierarchies at W...Foreword, by Philippe Bourgois Acknowledgments 1. Introduction: Worth Risking Your Life? 2. We Are Field Workers: Embodied Anthropology of Migration 3. Segregation on the Farm: Ethnic Hierarchies at Work 4. How the Poor Suffer: Embodying the Violence Continuum 5. Doctors Don't Know Anything: The Clinical Gaze in Migrant Health 6. Because They're Lower to the Ground: Naturalizing Social Suffering 7. Conclusion: Change, Pragmatic Solidarity, and Beyond Appendix: On Methods and Contextual Knowledge Notes References IndexRead More