Title: Development of the Laundry Folding System with Removing Hanger Function
Abstract:In this paper, we discuss the laundry folding system. This system has ability to fold the laundry that is hung the hanger. This system can remove the hanger from laundry to fold the laundry. This syst...In this paper, we discuss the laundry folding system. This system has ability to fold the laundry that is hung the hanger. This system can remove the hanger from laundry to fold the laundry. This system can detect whether the laundry is dry or not. If user uses this system, it checks whether the laundry is dry or not. If this system detected that the laundry was dry, this system removes the hanger from the laundry. After the hanger has been removed, this system folds the laundry. With this system, we will be reduced the burden of housework.Read More