Title: Soy isoflavones: database development, estrogenic activity of glycitein and hypocholesterolemic effect of daidzein
Abstract:vi GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 A. Introduction 1 B. Dissertation Organization 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 A. Plant Sources and Analytical Chemistry of Isoflavones 4 B. Sources of Isoflavone Standards: Isolation....vi GENERAL INTRODUCTION 1 A. Introduction 1 B. Dissertation Organization 3 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 A. Plant Sources and Analytical Chemistry of Isoflavones 4 B. Sources of Isoflavone Standards: Isolation. Purification and ChemicalSynthesis 15 C. How Do Plants Make Isoflavones? 17 D. .Are Isoflavones Good Antioxidants? 19 E. Estrogenic or Antiestrogenic? 21 F. Isoflavone Metabolism and Bioavailability 31 G. Are Isoflavones Cancer Preventive? 35 H. Soy Protein is Hypocholesteroiemic, What About Soy Isoflavones? 41 I. Soy Isoflavones: Cure for Postmenopausal Osteoporosis? 44 J. Isoflavones and Alcohol Intake 46 K. References 47Read More