Title: The Research on Accounting Information Based on Computerized Accounting in the Financial Management
Abstract:In recent years, due to the rapid development and widespread use of computer technology, computerized accounting has become the development trend of accounting work.Accounting computerization has the ...In recent years, due to the rapid development and widespread use of computer technology, computerized accounting has become the development trend of accounting work.Accounting computerization has the advantages of fast operation, large storage capacity, fast retrieval speed and accurate data analysis, and is widely used in enterprise financial management.In this paper, the accounting computerization and the concept of accounting information, characteristics and the relationship with enterprise informatization are deeply expounded and analyzed.The continuous development of computerized accounting has greatly promoted the growth of many related software industries.In the society, a contingent of accounting, accounting and financial software development has been preliminarily formed.Through the elaboration and analysis of this article,it will provide some reference and research foundation for the further development of accounting computerization and accounting informatization.Read More
Title: $The Research on Accounting Information Based on Computerized Accounting in the Financial Management
Abstract: In recent years, due to the rapid development and widespread use of computer technology, computerized accounting has become the development trend of accounting work.Accounting computerization has the advantages of fast operation, large storage capacity, fast retrieval speed and accurate data analysis, and is widely used in enterprise financial management.In this paper, the accounting computerization and the concept of accounting information, characteristics and the relationship with enterprise informatization are deeply expounded and analyzed.The continuous development of computerized accounting has greatly promoted the growth of many related software industries.In the society, a contingent of accounting, accounting and financial software development has been preliminarily formed.Through the elaboration and analysis of this article,it will provide some reference and research foundation for the further development of accounting computerization and accounting informatization.