Title: O ensino religioso nas escolas públicas paulistas (1930-1945)
Abstract:After the Republic Proclamation in Brazil in 1889, there was a separation between the Catholic Church and politics, and Religious Education could not be applied in public schools, only in private.In t...After the Republic Proclamation in Brazil in 1889, there was a separation between the Catholic Church and politics, and Religious Education could not be applied in public schools, only in private.In the 1920s, the Catholic Church reconnected to the politicians.This reconciliation was more evident after the 1930 Revolution, when Getulio Vargas came to power and a few months later, he published the decree that made the optional religious education in public schools, in April 1931.This thesis shows how the Religious Education was instrumental Catholic strengthening, regaining lost spaces in the Old Republic, a movement that had as context the actions of romanization of ultramontanism and Catholic Action, founded by Pope Pius XI.Vargas decree was clearly done for the benefit of Catholics and, years later, was incorporated in the 1934 Constitution, under pressure from the Catholic Electoral League.Religious Education was considered as a major work by Catholics and there was a great organization in the Archdiocese of São Paulo, with inspectors and delegates making their progress reports in schools.To further discussion of the subject, the analysis of public schools was chosen because there was the inclusion of Catholic teaching in a secular environment with students from other religious denominations.Read More