Title: Life Cycle and Survival of Hyalomma dromedarii (Acari:Ixodidae) Under Laboratory Conditions
Abstract:The life cycle of Hyalomma dromedarii Koch (Acari:Ixodidae) on rabbits at 25 and 32ºC was compared at 85% R.H. At these temperatures, it behaved as a two-host tick and completed its life cycle in 108-...The life cycle of Hyalomma dromedarii Koch (Acari:Ixodidae) on rabbits at 25 and 32ºC was compared at 85% R.H. At these temperatures, it behaved as a two-host tick and completed its life cycle in 108-146 and 80-115 days, respectively. The preoviposition, incubation and moulting periods varied significantly and were influenced by temperature. The survival periods of different developmental stages of Hyalomma dromedarii at 25ºC, 32, 38, 43, and 48ºC at 85% R.H. were investigated. The eggs, engorged nymphs and engorged females died at 38ºC, and the unfed larvae died at 43ºC. The longevity of the unfed adults decreased from 90-120 days at 25ºC to7-15 days at 43ºC. They died at 48ºC. These results suggest that the survival periods of eggs, engorged nymphs and engorged females were significantly decreased with an increase in temperature. They were more susceptible to high temperature than unfed adults. The role of unfed adult in the continuity of the life cycle of the tick throughout the year is discussed.Read More