Title: Records of the anthropogenic influence on different origin lake sediments of Latvia
Abstract:Sediments in lakes have formed under the conditions of sensitive ecosystem functions as archives of micro- and macrocomponents. Besides others, lake sediments preserve palaeobotanical and chemical evi...Sediments in lakes have formed under the conditions of sensitive ecosystem functions as archives of micro- and macrocomponents. Besides others, lake sediments preserve palaeobotanical and chemical evidence reflecting environmental changes. During the last centuries, sediment composition has been influenced also by inconsistent urban and industrial developments. This paper represents the results of chemical and palaeobotanical signatures in the sediments from four lakes of different origin: Lake Lilaste, Lake Velnezers, Lake Engure, and Lake Vevers. The data were compared with the results from sediment composition analysis obtained by Loss on Ignition and chemical methods taking into account changes in plant macroremains. The studies of lake sediments revealed that human impact is recognisable in the upper sediment layer of all investigated sites, but at different depth from sediment surface. The most recognisable traces of anthropogenic influence can be attributed to the sharp increase of the amount of lead (Pb) and number of plant macroremains in analysed lake sediments.Read More