Title: Virgin and Child sculptures in Buenos Aire’s public collections, 12th to 16th centuries
Abstract:During the last years, the building process and history of art collections became a prolific field of study in Argentina. However, research on medieval art in private and public collections in our cou...During the last years, the building process and history of art collections became a prolific field of study in Argentina. However, research on medieval art in private and public collections in our country received little or no attention. But even if medieval art is considerably less represented than modern styles, there is an interesting amount of high quality medieval pieces exhibited at several museums in Argentina. The main purpose of this thesis is therefore to expand our knowledge of the medieval works of art in public Argentine collections, as related to their origin, dating, interpretation, technique and provenance. These pieces show great diversity of styles, provenance and technique. Such heterogeneity demanded a selection, in order to define a homogeneous corpus of study. Among the many works of medieval art in Argentine museums, the Virgin and Child iconography is the most represented subject - accordingly, that subject has been our first focus of attention. Finally, owing to the abundance of sculpture, we have decided to limit our study to this technique; and in order to give further thematic consistency to our research; we decided to circumscribe our research to woodwork sculpture.Read More