Title: Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792): proposed preservation as the name for the European sardine (Pisces)
Abstract:Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) has been the name accepted for the European Sardine or Pilchard by the overwhelming majority of ichthyologists and fishery biologists since the revision of the clupe...Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) has been the name accepted for the European Sardine or Pilchard by the overwhelming majority of ichthyologists and fishery biologists since the revision of the clupeid fishes by Regan (1916, Ann.Mag.nat.Hist.(8) 18 : 1-19).However, a few workers have used an earlier alleged binominal name Arengus minor . . .Cornide, 1788.The object of the present application is to ask the Commission to reject for nomenclatural purposes the work of Cornide, J., 1788, entitled Ensayo de una historia de los Peces . . .de la costa de Galicia, . . .[264 pp.], [Corunna].The intention of this action is to secure the availability of the generic name Sardina Antipa, 1904 {Anz.Akad.Wiss.Wien 41 : 302), and of the specific name pilchardus as used in the combination Clupea pilchardus by Walbaum, J., 1792 {Artedi Ichthyologia 3 : 38).The purpose of the application to suppress the work of Cornide ( 1788) is to seek an official ruling that any new names in this work are not binominal in accordance with Article 1 1 (c).A brief statement of the facts follows.2. The work of Cornide ( 1788Read More