Title: Classification of Urban Parks and their Regional Characteristics in Dhaka City, Bangladesh
Abstract:Unplanned urbanization has caused serious ecological imbalances in Dhaka city.This study investigates the efficiency and utilization of urban green space especially parks of Dhaka city.The case study ...Unplanned urbanization has caused serious ecological imbalances in Dhaka city.This study investigates the efficiency and utilization of urban green space especially parks of Dhaka city.The case study site covers urban parks of Dhaka metropolitan area of Bangladesh.Two aspects (physical and social) were applied for this study.For physical aspect, methods were used RS (Remote Sensing) and GIS (Geographic Information System) of three periods of images (Dhaka city).And for social aspect, methods were used questionnaire survey, observation, photographs, sketch and previous information about parks.After calculating all data result was showed by maps using GIS.For the changing pattern of green space of periods 1972, 1989 and 2010, result showed that the variation of the green space changes rate was high and gradually green space deceased and build up area increased in Dhaka city.Again according to physical size, parks of Dhaka city were classified into four types: Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large parks.Small parks of Dhaka city were situated beside the residential area and were used as daily purpose.Medium parks were located beside commercial area and its use was for daily and weekly.Large parks were placed at city center and only one extra large park was found outer range of city area.In large parks, people mainly visited monthly or occasionally.Moreover, the spatial-temporal changes of images showed the present status of green space of the city.The consequence of the study reveals that the utilization of park was controlled by various factors in Dhaka city.Read More